



平日は社内のハッカソン。 今日は毎週いってる英会話の授業。 いつもは日曜日の午前中だけど、 明日はTOEICを受けるので、土曜日に変更している。


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My dog's name is Chako. Chako is black. He was born in May 18, 2013. He is 1 year old.
His breed is chihuahua. Chihuahua are nervous dogs. They are the smallest breed of dogs.

He came to my home in July 2013. I bought him in pet store. I was driving a car and saw a dog in a window. When I entered the pet store, I didn't plan on buying a dog. But I saw a black dog, he was in the corner of a cage and he was licking my fingers.
He was very cheap because he was 3 months old. I decided that I would buy him.

When I brought him home, he was very afraid. He didn't get out of his cage for more than one day. He expanded his comfort zone. He became more relaxed.

He plays with his toys. When he came to my home, he had 3 toys. Now, he has more than 20 toys in his toy box. He loves his toys. He usually plays his toys everyday.

Also, he plays with friends at the daycare. He goes to the daycare once a week. He plays from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.

1 month ago, he got his health checked at the Vet. The vet said he is a little fat. So, his lever function is bad. So, now, he is dieting. Before his health check, I took him to the park twice a week. now I take him to the park 3 times a week. I give massage almost every day.

In the future, I want to go to various places in Japan and abroad with him. But when I take airplane, doges are treated like baggage. So if I go abroad, I will take him to dog-sitter.

I will buy more dog. Because I work during the week, when I work, he is alone in my home. So, he needs a friend. I will buy another chihuahua from a bleeder. I plan on buying a dog in year.

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1年以内にチワワ飼うって書いてるけど、飼えないけどw 希望も含めて。


